Exploring the world hidden underwater has been compared to discovering in space. We have many natural and historical mysteries hidden beneath the dark waters. For decade these landscapes have been out of reach to the average explorer for many reasons. Exploration underwater can pose many challenges and dangers. Due to the cost and complexity of using ROUVs for underwater exploration, they have long been reserved to well-funded scientific pursuits and industrial operations. Fortunately advances in technology have reach these underwater ROUVs making them more accessible to explorers as affordable Underwater Drones, or underwater tools developed by the maker community.
Michael has used these ROUV to not only venture into the oceans, but also flooded passages deep underground. There he works at pushing deeper into places too dangerous for a person to trespass, uncovering what wonders are hidden in these dark corners of our world.
Michael has four ROUVs to handle the challenges of underwater exploration.